Demo1 - Institute for Sustainability, Democracy, and Drama-in-Education

Education - research results

1 Towards new universities and Schools

Here you find vidoes, texts and newspaper articles about
1 how to transform the university (and school) system and
2 individual universities (and schools), with sustainability and global democracy in mind.
3 And on the changed role of science in times of sustainability and democracy creises.

2 Teaching and learning / Didactics

1 Leadership 2 Transmodal attunement

3 Teaching on sustainability and democracy (climate crisis etc.)

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(04 Drama Education: see own page)

We collected the videos, texts and newspaper articles on drama education on an own page.)

1 A new perspective on schools and universities

1.1 How to change universities/schools (video-lecture)

1.2 A new prototype for a creatve sustainability/democracy centre at every university/school (book chapter)

1.3 A new ethics: Academic reserach in times of climate crisis (The Conversation essay)

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2 Teaching, Learning and sustainable democratic leadership

2.1 Transmodal Learning (after “resonance”) (video-lectures)

2.2 Democratic Leadership (video-lecture)

3 Teaching on sustainability and democracy

3.1 On substantial democracy and sustainability A 30 min video lecture on sustainability and democracy, introducing the concept of “substantial democracy”

3.2 Overview lecture (pdf): Climate crisis and global democracy