Explore, Test and Apply Research Results
On this page and subpages you can find the research results from the last years as well as the new ones – in the form of texts, filmed lectures, audio-files, newspaper articles, videos, and so on.
If you are a teacher and need inspirations about working with your school or student class; or if you are a student wanting to read about a global sustainable economics; if you want to explore new insights from psychological and drama-in-education exercises; or if you are a human being wanting to engage in transforming the way how we live together – hopefully, you will find some new hints and insights.
Explore, Modify, apply - transform your Surroundings
The general principle is to present state-of-the-art research formed in a way so that it can be used and applied into transformational social, creative, embodied practice.
The whole picture/approach
Two topics: Politics-economics relation; and: diabolo-model.
education - changing schools and universities
1 Towards a centre for sustainability and democracy
2 Lectures
3 Propoitions for a new framework for schools and universities
Which values should govern the economics; which theories; what forms of democratization of economic relations are there; postgrowth?
Politics - democracy, Policies, cosmopolitanism
From professional Arts to Creativity for everyone
What role can art play in modern societies? What is art? Can everyone create? How?
Health System
What is the link between a good health system, the understanding of health, the relation of the human body and the surroundings, and sustainability (climate/biodiversity; social equality etc.) ?
Drama in education, acting, Directing
Two topics: Politics-economics relation; and: diabolo-model.
Compassion, being humane and being Connected - from neurophysiology to philosophy
Find here:
1 Very specific lectures
2 Propoitions for a new framework for schools and universities
1 Which values should govern the economics; which theories; what forms of democratization of economic relations are there; postgrowth?
Sustainability and Democracy -How to Engage in Global initiatives
Phantastical reason - on imagination and human reason
Imagination seems to be neglected or even dismissed by most ohilosophers.
Can one see a specific phantastical reason, for example in childrens and youth books and films?
Are there good and worse ways of training and using the imagination?
Go to news (new research results)
Here, you can find the newest results of our explorations.