Demo1 - Institute for Sustainability, Democracy, and Drama-in-Education

Meet the diabolo-model of 7 interdependent circles of sust.democracy


The challenge is not only to respect the inviolable dignity to all but to create together locally and globally the social spaces so that it becomes visible amd experiencable for everyone.

On the one side this implies to make the mechanisms, structures and relations of domianation visible which exist and to work towards more substantially democratic relations and structures on eye level as free and equals.

On the other side this means in a second step: to create circumstances, from self-relations to intersubjective to structural ones which express this dignity of everyone (to provide enough resources within the planetary boundaries etc).

One aspect of this is making visible the self, the dignified self beyond all deeds and actions and to show its inviolable digbity; not just by acknowledging capabilities, ideas and actions, but on a deeper level: relating to everyone as a self, as a Du (Buber, Lévinas) and to find forms of relating, living, organising structures and economic, political and cultural ideas so that they express this idea to everyone alike.

Circle 1:

Relation to ones moving body, the environment and the self

Using the basics of Alexander technique (anatomical-physiological research; basic movement training) to explore playfully an open-minded and -hearted sustainable being-towards-the world/others-attitude (backed up by the compassion/empathy-research by Mary Helen Immordina-Yang and other neuropsychological research).

Circle 2

Intersubjective interaction

Meeting, relating through  improvisations: Playfully exploring the intersubjective, synesthetique affective “attunement” with others; with the help of Meisner-impro-exercises and Daniel Sterns analysis of caring interactions (and Bion´s “containment”, Rogers “active listening” etc.). The goal is to be able to listen to one’s own needs and ideas whileopening up for others.

Circle 3

Socio-psychological interaction beyond domination

Improvisation: Improvisation of scenes, seeing through domination and creating humane relations (with the help of for example Keith Johnstone´s status-exercises); understanding how to express needs and react in a good way to the expressions of needs by others, with he help of the attachment theory (Bowlby) and the play-theory of Winnicott. The goal is to understand what substantial democratic relations could look like, and to playfully see through mechanisms of domination.

Circle 4

Democratic leadership of social spaces and cooperative groups

Democratic leadership of groups (educational sector, workplace etc), with social inclusiveness and non-violent communication (Rosenberg). The goal is to establish social spaces with rules and attitudes which allow everyone to be seen as free and equal.

Circle 5

An embodied-social model of metabolsim: Connected exchange in all parts and sectors of society

Healthm, education, agriculture, forestry, building, energy, political etc. sector.

What does it mean to create spaces which enable (Gestalt-)connectedness while relating to the world and others? (C.Pelluchon; Th. Fuchs)

Circle 6

Economics and Politics

The question is: how to organise the political and economic framework so that the needs of all are met within the planetary boundaries – so that the “dough” of the doughnut is reframed as enabling connectedness, substantial democratic relations and the idea of being humane?

We can rethink and redesign Raworth´ doughnut economy lab (1); the idea of bioregions (2); the content of the fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty (3); the Faculty for a Future (4); and the Earth4All idea (5) of defining the ecosystems which are relevant for tipping points as public commons.


Circle 7

Convivialism and ecophilosophy of democracy

The task can we reformulate now as: making the dignity of everyone visible and experienceable for everyone; weaving the common fabric of integrity. This can be done by the local and global organisations of our way of living together; as well as by philosophy and cultural practices.

On the interdependence of all 7 circles

An ecological-social-embodied approach to sustainable democracy:

We try to develop a deeper understanding of both, democracy, and sustainability, and their interdependence and interlinkage. To create a sustainable society is in this approach not only about organising the handling of resources to meet all needs in a way, so that future generations have themselves the opportunity to do the same (Brundtland 1987); but about the quality of relations and structures (namely humane and connected ones) in which all these processes of exchange take place.

If we look back at historical movements and political ideologies which tried to create societies with people as free and equal, what often went wrong is that this dimension of substantial, sustainable democratic relating to each other and the world (the “inner frame” of making everyones dignity visible) was neglected, even violated and not put in the centre of all activities.

The project of convivialism can start instead from this “middle ground” of the 7 circles/”diabolo”-model and organise democratic structures in politics and economics as well as educational and health care institutions etc. from this insights into the interdependence of all 7 dimensions and the “fronetic” practice of creating social spaces and relations which allow connectedness and are humane.