what you can do and what we do
Here you can read about the basic training (1), about drama in education (2), acting and directing (3) and the transformation of the social imaginery towards more sustainable democratic relations and structures (4).
All the work is heart-head-hand led, combining theory and practice. And all work is open to everyone, individuals and groups, but especially designed for teachers and teacher students.
the Diabolo model as core for all work
(See the subpage "diabolo model" for more info.) The goal is to make everyone's dignity visible and experiencable, and to focus on the training of creating sustainable, democratic relations and structures.
Basic Training - the idea of "Being humane"
The basic training combines all aspects of the 7 circles (see "diabolo model"). It focuses on the playful exploration of the whole model, combining bodily creative work with all other dimensions. We explore what we call the "humane scenery": the forces which enable democratic sustainable relations and structures; and the ones which hinder the processes which lead to humane meetings on eye level.
Drama in Education, Acting, Devising and directing
Drama in Education (DiE) is different from and so much more than playing theatre. It is about using drama methods (such as improvisations etc.) to explore new perspectives, roles, and situations, and to develop an understaniding for a humane scenery and relation building. We give introductions into DiE work (for all subjects in schools and universities). You find also intros and training in acting, directing and devising.
Changing the social imaginary and the societal structures
This work and training is exploring a democratic and regenerative transformation of the societal sectors (health, education, economy, politics) - using the insights and methods of the diabolo model and the "humane scenery"-approach.
1 Basic training, combining all aspects (of the 7 circles model)
We combine the diabolo-circlesin one 3 hours workshop,
1 Basic movement technique to meet oneself and the environment with a caring contact and ease (inspired by the Alexandertechnique); an to playfully get into openminded/hearted relations to each other and nature.
2 (Drama-)Improvisation (wit the help of the methods by Meisner and Johnstone) as training of listening to one’s own ideas and needs while opening up for others ideas and needs.
3 Non-violent communication and training of compassionate meeting on eye level (roleplay).
4 Democratic leadership of cooperative, creative groups.
5 Developing a humane gaze for the dignity of all within the planetary boundaries, focusing on everyday work (in your sector);
6 and exploring the needed societal change in terms of economic and political rules (with the help of Doughnut Economics etc.), so that connected democratic relations become possible.
7 Reflecting on the link and interdependence between these six fields; and the transformational pathways, your possibilities and ideas.
2 Drama in Education (towards becomin a creative researcher of a humane scenery)
For teachers and teacher students, but also for individuals and organisations: how to use improvisations and all aspects of drama/education to explore a subject/topic and to create a sustainable democratic space.
A Intro (one workshop; 3 hours)
B How to use drama for all subjects (process drama) (one workshop; 3 hours)
C Devising: how to invent and perform a new play together (either one workshop; or five, each 3 hours)
3 Acting and directing (exploring the humane gaze approach)
Exploring a “humane scenery and gaze” approach to work with
A Improvisations (Meisner/Johnstone etc.)
B and voice/movement
C Role/character development (Batson et.)
D Text / language
E Scenes and plays / power relations / directing
The work can focus on the combination of all aspects; or focusing more on one.
Either in individual 60 min work; or as one 3 hours workshop for groups.
4 Changing the societal imaginery (exploring the possible transformations the societal imagianries and structures)
How can we create together a world in which everyone’s dignity is made visible and experinceable for everyone: creating democratic, sustainable relations and structures.
We give an introduction into the diabolo-model, and explore how it can be “applied” to different parts of society (health, education, economy, politics, …).
We work together with the insights of initiatives which aim for a transformation towards a global, sustainable, democratic society:
as for example: Doughnut Economic Lab; Earth4All; Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty; and similar initiatives.
Either as one 3 hours workshop which introduces into the theme; or as specific workshops focusing on one transformation (economic: Doughnut Economics; education: faculty for a future; fossil free sustainable society (non-proliferation treaty initative); politics (Earth4All). We use the connected/humane approach to deepen these existing possibilities to become or stay active and engaged into transformational work.
Extra: Consulting organisations, institutions etc
How can you explore and implement a more creative, sustainable democratic way of cooperation and leadership into your professional surroundings?
How could you use the 7 circles model in the everyday work (organisation; working processes; democratic leadership)?